Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Week 1 Summary

Well, last week wasn't a great week for me but I'm not here to talk about the past!

Last night I went grocery shopping and bought all good food. This morning I made everything in advance (just like the old days) and I have a solid success goal in mind for this week. I'm looking forward to getting started for real.

Meals today:
Breakfast (11am) -- 1 cup oatmeal, 1 apple, 1 banana, 1 multi vitamin
Lunch (2pm) -- Big salad with spinach, horse radish, olives, tomato, mushrooms and an olive oil based raspberry vinagrette (no cheese!)
Snack (3pm) -- Fresh broccoli, carrots and celery with roasted red pepper hummus
Dinner (7pm) -- Black beans, Spinach, Brocoli, Mixed veggies and collard greens all mixed up and nuked with some Mrs. Dash
Late night snack? -- We'll see.

I'm drinking water and I did bring 1 DDP. Although once my stock in the fridge is gone I'll be switching to Crystal Lite for variety.

Go team! Everyone's posts have been great, keep up the great work...I'm looking forward to some real great progress reports one day at a time.



Kate said...

sounds like you have a good plan mapped out!! I agree, it's one day at a time. Keep on, keeping on!

Love you,

BigMac55 said...

Can I come for supper? Ha,ha,ha...
Sounds good my man. Three years from now we'll be challenging each other in mountain climbing and pull-ups.

Faith said...

dad made the best lentil soup last night; you should get the recipe seriously it was soo yummy! i never knew i was a fan of lentils :)

Kate said...

Dad has been cooking amazing meals! the lentil soup was AMAZING!! I'm so excited that there's some left over for supper tonight.

A-man you could make it so easy in your rice cooker (use it as a slow cooker!!) Get the recipe from Dad. AND he made a no sugar apple pie and turkey chop suey (sp?). It's been a delicious week at 10 West Ave let me tell you! Low cal, low fat, low sugar scrumptiousness!! I'm hungry just thinking about it....LOL