Saturday, February 25, 2012

Is anyone out there??

Just checking in to see if anyone is out there??? I'd like to get to the bare nekkid truth here about losing weight:

1. It's a lot of work

2. Walking/jogging on the tread mill does not burn nearly enough calories for the effort Im putting in - haha

3. I have gone 1 week dedicated to tracking my food on my fit pal, have been to the gym twice with a friend and have gone for 4 walk/hikes and made conscious efforts to move more!

That said, I FEEL GREAT! REally it's like my inner "skinny chick" is begging to break out of this cage I have it locked in.. Don't worry thinner Faith - I'll break you free ... just have to wait till I join that spin class, then we'll be cooking with crisco :)