Sunday, January 4, 2009

Let's get this Party started!!

Ok, Kate had this great idea of starting a weight loss challenge amongst the family starting tomorrow, Monday January 5th. Here is the "Skinny" (lol). Each week each person will put in a dollar. Every Monday we will each weigh ourselves (on the honor system) and check in on the blog. Tomorrow, since it is the first Monday, all you will do is weigh in and sign into the blog leaving a post sang you are in and you are weighed. You do NOT have to tell how much you weigh :) Each Monday after that, you will sign into the blog and write a post saying how much percentage of weight loss you had.
At the end, the top three losers, will get a percentage of all of the money :)
Sounds kind of confusing but it's not.
I am sure that Kate can write another post expaining it better :)
Here is the equation to find out your percentage of weight loss or gain!

Substract your current weight from your original weight. Divide that number by your original weight. Multiply that number by 100. Example 175-150=25....25/175=.14.... .14x100= %14.

Got it??

So, tomorrow, Monday, just post a blog on here to let us know you are partaking on this journey to healthyness :)

Good Luck!!
Please feel free to post encouraging posts and comments, good recipes, or any other weigh loss tips!! I will try and get some links up on the side that I find helpful.
Good Luck!!!!!