Sunday, January 11, 2009


Just for fun, I made some comparisons between meals that I might normally consume and alternatives.

Consider the ever popular Whopper with cheese, a medium fries, apple pie and a coke. I may have eaten this combo a hundred times or more. It doesn't really seem exessive, does it? In many ways it seems perfectly normal to me, "I've become accustomed to her face" ( sung here by Henry Higgins) but in reality yields thousand, five-hundred, eighty nine calories, the great majority of which are fat and sugar which do little for your body except to precipitate a huge insulin spike which in turn efficiently turns that fat and sugar into stored fat.

Yes, the truth is we are what we eat and I am certainly, at least in part a whopper with cheese!

Now go with me to a new place. Load your plate with a full cup of brown rice, 3 oz. of salmon, a cucumber, tomato and onion salad with rasberry vinagrette, 2 oat bran rolls, a cup of brocolli, a 1/2 cup of butternut squash, 4 oz. of white whine, a piece of low cal apple pie and a cup of coffee.

WOW! That sounds like a lot of food. How can I eat that much. I don't need a huge meal like that, just a snack, something quick. Do any of these thoughts sound familiar? They do to me. Somehow, I tend to look at the amount of food on the plate rather than the calories represented. My salmon meal comes in at a nutritionally dense, fiber dense, super satisfying 1008 calories. 

That's twice the food volume, 1000% times the nutritional value and far more satisfying for 33% less calories. 

Make some comparisons of your own. What do you like to eat? How does it stack up? What alternatives are convenient and satisfying?

Well.....God bless you today...and grant you all the success you desire in learning to eat healthy



Faith said...

BTW thanks for posting this; the other day we were driving home VERY tempted to stop for some GG (greasy goodness)but mark and i thought of this post and drove right by. We went home and made something a bit healthier...