Monday, January 5, 2009

Ready, Ready, Ready to go!!

ok, I am weighed in and READY to get this party started!!

Let's make sure that we share our weight with at least one other person for accountability purposes.

The rules:
1) Use any food plan that you are comfortable with
2) Weigh in on Monday mornings
3) Tell your accountability partner your weight
4) Record the percentage of your loss/gain on the blog (that's for the rest of you. MINE will be loss hehehe)
****Dad will make a chart to post after everyone logs in their percentages

The Prize
Friendly reminder, it’s $1/week, so the top prize winner will make a pretty penny.
1st place will get 65%,
2nd will get 25%
3rd place will win 10%.

1st place will also be getting a super extra awesome trophy.

Be blessed everyone!!
