Friday, January 9, 2009


Now that I'm sitting home, unemployed and pursuing the things that I want to pursue, I realize just how much stress plays a part in my over eating. I have used over consumption as a defence mechanism. Let me explain. 

I have a strong intellectual grasp of the various factors involved in a healthy diet and by diet here I don't necessarily remain a reducing diet. I can picture easily that one choclate covered doughnut contains somewhere around 400 plus empty calories that leave my body hungry  as opposed to say a cup and a half of oatmeal with prunes, molasses and orange juice for a hundred calories less but when I am under stress I take the easy way out. Rather than stop for a turkey sandwich on whole wheat with a large salad, I might stop for a fast food sandwich with two or three times the calories, yet little or no nutritional value and one third the satiety .

Back to my openingl.......why is this? At least partly to blame is the stressful, high time demand lifestyle. When I feel over-burdened or unhappy, etc I fall back on eating comfort foods as a quick way to make myself feel better. Truthfully, it's little different than taking drugs. Eat non satisfying crap that release pleasure signals yet fail to really satisfy nutritionally. That's why we keep getting crazy hungry. 

I am so fortunate right now to have the time to deal with this in a relaxed and controlled environment. I don't mean to be judgmental to anyone else; I'm just sharing my reflections.

Try this the next time you are tempted to or have just made a meal choice that you regret. Picture or list the food you crave and right next to it list or picture an alternative meal. For instance on the left side of the paper draw a whopper w/ cheese and fries 1078 calories (mostly fat) and on the right side draw a turkey sandwich on whole wheat w/ sprouts and tomato, a 10 oz. tossed salad with sunflower seeds, an apple and a glass of skim milk  for 618 calories...Nutritionally dense, far more filling and almost half the calories. 

Well, that's my two cents worth today. I love you guys and wish you all the best in your attempt to wrest first place away from me. (You better be serious about it...I've lost 10 lbs already and I'm counting my money...ha,ha,ha)


Kate said...

Kudos to you! these are awesome insights and have already inspired me. I too have been similarly comparing motivations and re-checking hunger signals to make sure it's true hunger and not just boredom. And then going the next step to choose the foods that will satisfy. It's all about a healthy life-style change.