Monday, January 12, 2009

quick note..

So i did okay this week; far too much pasta but i did better than the week before and that's what counts :) It's a journey... and each step counts. This week my goal is to eat LESS PASTA... 2x this week that's it - (and i already had 1 today for lunch).

I went grocery shopping and bought more salad stuff; and some meals to cook at home... chicken and taco's and a beef stew and some chicken soup... I am also going strong with the 0 coffee and soda routine. I drink tea and water :)

I'm hoping to be pregnant (obvi) so i don't think i will be the winner of any money; but it is nice to have the group support as we all try to make better/healthier choices for living.

Love you all xoxo and GOOD LUCK!!!!

we CAN and we WILL do this! I believe in us!!!

- Faith


Kate said...

Amen and Amen!! It is a journey and that is the real goal here. Our focus to make healthier food choices and real lifestyle changes that will make a difference!!

I believe is us too!!!

Good job Faith!! You go girl!


BigMac55 said...

Way to go Faith! The money is just for fun anyway. It won't really add up to much, but the benefits of increased health and vitality, WOW, now that's a prize we all can and will achieve! There is literally nothing we commit to the Lord that can not be accomplished.
VICTORY in Jesus!