Thursday, October 1, 2009

Just Balance

Many things come to mind when I think of balance. Yesterday I promised to talk about balance today as Step 2. The more thought I gave to this the more I realized that the true balance needs to come from within. Meaning, balancing our mind, spirit, soul and body. I read a book once about organizing your house called "Organizing From the Inside Out" by Julie Morganstern. You can find more info on the book here. The book talks about dealing with your emotional attachment to things and space in your house. Her concept is to work on those internal drivers before you try to organize your external "stuff". To build on that, she suggests that you approach your organizational efforts to compliment your natural life style.

What does all of this have to do with living a healthy lifestyle? Do you see where I'm going here? In my experience I have found that I needed to work on my inside stuff in order to make true changes in my life style. We can work on all of our bad habits all we want, but if we still have old junk in our heart, mind or even our souls, then the long term changes will most likely not last long. That to me is the true crux of success. Is it well with your soul? Do you need to do some personal house cleaning from the inside out to get to a better balance?

I bet you thought I was going to talk about the balance of carbs, fats and protien. Right? There is tons of information on the Internet or in books that give recommendations on how to balance all of that. Most of us know what good nutrition is from all of the information we've looked into over the years. The issues beyond the scale are not usually talked about because everyone tends to want a quick fix to fit into that special dress or look good for the class reunion, vacation or wedding. I guess the question is, what do you want to end result to be? For me, now that I've been cleaning out some inner cob webs, I want better over all health to enjoy my life with better quality. How about you?