Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Today, I'm feeling more like I'm getting back on track and into the groove. You could say I'm feeling groovy. I'm refining my plan and my focus to get back to basics. I started out last year with a goal to improve my health.

Basically there are two parts to it; food and physical activity. It all comes down to the choices that we make. For me, I'm making better choices to improve my over all life style. I don't want to repeat past cycles of dieting to "lose a few pounds" and then go right back to my old habits. Thus gaining those few pounds back and usually a few more to keep them company. In order to really accomplish this, I had to take a look at my overall life style and ask myself what needs to be "updated". That sounds more appealing than "overhauled".

Step 1: I took a hard look at what foods I was eating on a regular basis and realized that my sodium intake alone was about 5-6 times what it should be. Wow! That is a LOT of salt in my system. Once my taste buds adjusted to the "real" flavor of foods, I now actually PREFER low sodium. Weird, but true. I've also noticed that I'm not as given to cravings as I used to be.

Step 2: Balance - We'll talk about step 2 more tomorrow.

On a side note, I keep track of my food choice and calories that I burn on this awesome site; This site also gages the percentage of fat, protien, sodium, fiber and carbs, etc. and lets me know when my food intake is out of balance. They have a great database of foods including restaraunt foods so you don't have to do manual entries of the foods that you like to eat.

Today, my head is back in the game! I'm motivated to renew my outlook and stop wafting around.

Groovy - Groovy is an object-oriented programming language for the Java Platform as an alternative to the Java programming language.
Ok, I was expecting to see Goldie Hawn's picture next to this word in the dictionary.........hahahaha. OOPS. Can I just say I was NOT expecting to find this definition! Anyone???

Rejoice: To feel joyful; be delighted

Scriptures for today:
Psalms 34:2-4: 2 My soul will boast in the LORD; let the afflicted hear and rejoice. 3 Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together. 4 I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.

Phil 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord, always and again I say rejoice!

Challenge: What goals have you let fall to the way side? Take a look and see if they need to be brought back to life and take the steps to get back in the groove!

Prayer for today:
Father God, we rejoice in you today! Thank you that your mercies are new every morning and that you have a plan for us. We will boast in you today so that we are overflowing with your goodness. And again I say REJOICE and be groovy!