Monday, August 3, 2009


ok, well, the day finally arrived. With great anticipation, I stepped on to the scale and low and behold.......199! I stepped off and back on 3 times just to make sure. Now I feel like the pressure if off even if I float back up a couple of pounds, which will inevitably happen. I usually ebb and flow, so to speak with my weight. #1 Milestone...........checked off the list! Now on to bigger and better.........oh, I mean smaller and better things. :)

I have to say, I am truly LOVING I gave them a recommendation on FaceBook. I really like the smiley face encouragements and the added daily nutritional intake updates it gives you. Such a great tool for a small sum. Thanks to Adam and Janel for the referral!

Hope you're having a great day. I'd love to hear about your updates. Post a note here and share what's happening with you so we can all pray for each other and encourage one another. Pullleeeaasse!!!
